Whether you’re planning for the next phase or thinking about retirement, a business owner preparing for liquidity or a high-income earner with significant investable assets, we understand you may have very different questions and concerns. As financial advisors, we recognize this need and deliver custom solutions according to your situation.
Your success is important to you—but so is your legacy. You also want to make sure you can do the things you love, whether it’s traveling, buying a second home, making socially responsible charitable donations, or simply taking your dogs for a walk every morning instead of heading into the office.

The Next Phase (Retirees)
How do I create a monthly paycheck?
When should we take Social Security?
Am I doing enough to minimize taxes?
Can we afford more of the things we like: traveling, giving to charities, leaving a legacy, purchasing a vacation home?

Prepping for the Next Phase (Pre-Retirees)
How do I plan for the next chapter with confidence?
When can I retire?
How do I transition to retirement?
What is best way to save for college?

Business Owners
How do I plan for the sale of my business?
Can I do anything pre-sale to minimize taxes?
Should I take lump sum and walk away or spread-out payments?
How do I structure income post sale?

High-Income Earners
How can I maximize savings and minimize taxes?
What are best strategies to maximize value of my stock options?
How can we optimize our charitable giving?
At retirement which accounts do I draw down first?
Let our team of skilled and trusted wealth advisors put our insights to work so we can
make the right decisions for you, together.

FSA Charitable Fund
FSA Wealth Management founded a charitable giving fund in 2017 to serve as the foundation for our broader philanthropic goals. We believe that philanthropy is a central tenet of our mission, and the FSA Charitable Fund affords us the ability to help nonprofit organizations that inspire the charitable intentions of our associates and clients. Since the fund’s inception in January of 2017, grants have been made to over 30 different nonprofit organizations that our friends and clients choose to support. We look forward to seeing that number grow over time.